

Any donations to Calamity will be rewarded with buttons at the usual exchange of 1 button for $5. We have a few different needs for which we have created donation categories. Money donated for a specific use will be earmarked for that specific application.

Pandemic Game Recovery

Pandemic Game Recovery


Help a Fellow Player

We recognize that our players are dealing with the same economic struggles the game faces and that at times we have players who simply can’t afford to attend or can’t afford to pay full price. If you are in the position to donate a little extra, you can do so below. Our Mistress of Pre-Registration will keep track of donations as well as players in need. Please note, all donations will be kept anonymous as will all recipients.

Help a Fellow Player



Event Buyback

If you are wanting to back buy an event, use this link and include the event date as well as who it is being purchased for.

Event Buy Back


Amazon Wish List Donations

You may also purchase props directly from the Calamity Amazon Wish List.